Please see below are amazing school photos!
On Monday 20th November Members of school staff, as well as representatives from the Parish, attended Staff Meeting training on the recently purchased AED (Automated External Defibrillator).
We were updated on what to do in case of Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA) and Heart Attack. The resuscitation ‘dummies’ were out for staff to practise on.
We also got to see the defibrillator in action – it increases chances of survival of a Cardiac Arrest from 12% to 70%. Our trainer, who has delivered other training to Lunchtime Supervisors and First Aid Staff was very excited we had taken the steps to purchase.
Thank you to all those who raised funds / donated to allow us and the Parish to purchase this life-saving equipment.
We took a group of Year5/6 pupils to the Wolverhampton Art Gallery on Tuesday 14th November to take part in the Lego Challenge 2017/18 hosted by the Learning Technologies Team Wolverhampton.
They had 45 minutes to create a robot made out of Lego and then took part in three further programming challenges.
They were marked on Team work, communications, quality of build, programming and problem solving.
We came third and are through to the finals day at Cosford in the Spring term (date TBC).
Mrs Heath said how much of a credit they were to the school through their teamwork, programming and excellent behaviour.
The children of Year 2 had a marvellous time just before half-term on their overnight stay at Kingswood Centre. The learning opportunities provided by this experience (teamwork, independence skills, and the confidence to stay away from home) cannot be mirrored in the classroom.
“I had the best time ever . . . we went on the zipwires . . . I found the biggest worm EVER! We had maps and went on a peg hunt, and my team drew.” – Jack (Y2)
“My favourite memory was stroking the animals. There was a tortoise, a rabbit and a guinea pig . . . We told each other stories when we went to sleep. I would definitely go again – it was brilliant!” – Alliyah (Y2)
At the start of the year (September 2015) the school, in conjunction with the Children’s University (Black Country), enrolled all children onto this program.
‘Hours’ had to be collected by each child as they participated in extra learning activities.
These included: School Clubs, Visits by individuals to learning destinations, as well as clubs run after school by other providers.
In July those children who had accrued 30 hours ‘graduated’ at a fantastic ceremony where they were awarded their certificates from the Children’s University, and Jason – a Commonwealth and British Athlete.
The customary Mortarboard-throwing took place afterwards.
St Anthony’s Choir members joined a cast of thousands to sing at the Genting Arena.
Miss Barrat (Our Pianist), Mrs Yapp and Ms Mangan (Parents) and Mrs Davis (our Headteacher) ran a Drama Club on Friday afternoons in 2016.
At the end of the Summer Term the children performed songs from the West-End Hit Musical, ‘Matilda’.
It was very well received and we look forward to seeing many of our stars’ names up in lights in the future.
We were visited by a British Gymnast / Diver as part of a fund-raising initiative for GB Athletes, and school PE resources.
Helen Galishin visited, on behalf for Sports 4 Schools.
All children had trained and practised four drills: Spotty Dog; Leg Thrusts; Star Jumps and Press-ups.
After a class workout, Helen demonstrated her talents in an assembly, where she also told the children about realising their athletic potential.
The Sponsorship was amazing and we look forward to ordering some brand new PE resources, in the knowledge that we have helped a Sports Charity and other future British athletes and Olympians.